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We are thrilled to be expecting a large, excited audience for this conference. With an exceptional group of speakers featuring key influencers throughout the industry


Take advantage of the chance to get inspired by some truly talented individuals. Sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date.



Maree Crawford: Chair

Stu McIntyre: Vice Chair

Kym McIntyre: Treasurer

David Jordan: Program Chair


Joint Venture Parties Representatives

David Jordan & Maree Crawford: Sorghum

Liz Mann & Ben Vercoe: Maize

Nathan Ensby: Soybean

Meg Kummerow: Sunflower

Paul McIntosh & Kylie Wenham: Mungbean


Support Committee 

Brendan Taylor

Tom Coggan

Lachlan Nass

Kaara Klepper

Andrew McDonald

Angus Dalgliesh


PCO - Kate Murphy and Jenny Lawler, KAM Events

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ASGC Joint Venture Partners


Dr David Jordan, President Australian Sorghum Conference Inc

The Australian Sorghum Conference Inc has participated in all Australian Summer grains conferences as a joint venture partner with maize, sunflowers, soybeans and mung beans. These conferences have been resounding successes and the ASC Inc recognizes the benefits to the Australian summer grains industry of building on this successful joint venture.


Mark Schmidt, President Australian Mungbean Association

The Australian Mungbean Association is proud to continue its involvement and support of the Australian Summer Grains Conference (ASGC) in 2025. ASGC is a unique conference that showcases all summer crop options at the one event, giving growers an opportunity to access the latest research and technology developments in each crop. Some topics are relevant to individual crops while others have general application to summer cropping practice. ASGC also provides a tremendous avenue for a wide range of industry stakeholders to communicate, network and collaborate. The AMA encourages your attendance in anticipation of an excellent line-up of topics and speakers.’


Meg Kummerow, Committee member Australian Sunflower Association

The Australian Sunflower Association extends an invitation to Growers and strongly encourages all Industry Members of the Sunflower Value and Supply Chain to attend the 2025 Australian Summer Grains Conference.  Recognizing the changing marketing environment of the Australian Sunflower Market, our program will look to highlight the burgeoning domestic and international market for Sunflowers targeting Niche and Speciality Markets. With dedicated breeding research into targeting market requirements the industry is set to become a profitable rotational option in Australian Cropping Systems.  The Conference provides the best opportunity to share research, technological and marketing advances across all summer crops, in a single event at a great location.  The program will include the latest Australian and International speakers on sunflower’s contribution to profitable farming systems. The ASA looks forward to welcoming you there..


Paul Fleming, Chairman of Soy Australia

Soy Australia is a strong supporter of the summer crop industries coming together for a combined Summer Grains Conference where ideas and information are exchanged and networking encouraged. Most farmers grow several summer grains in their farming enterprise in any season for a host of reasons, including, rotations, soil health, disease and pest breaks and $ return. Hence it makes sense to provide all delegates, grower and industry representatives, with the opportunity to be informed about new agronomic practices, future market directions and possible risks about all the summer grains at one venue. It also allows the organisers to invite international experts on a range of crops to attend and share their knowledge with the local industries.  Soy Australia strongly supports the 2025 conference.


Liz Mann, Maize Association of Australia

The Maize Association of Australia(MAA) is very happy to again be a proud supporter of the Australian Summer Grains Conference in July 2025.  Not only does the Conference draw together the industries representing the key summer grains crops grown by Australian farmers, it is a tremendous vehicle for the MAA to promote the growth of the maize industry in Australia. The MAA will continue to promote the growing and use of maize both domestically and very importantly for the huge export opportunities in markets throughout Asia.  Also, what is holding back this potential growth- whether it be supply, quality, markets, or even new pests such as the Fall Army Worm – and how do we reduce or eliminate these barriers?


We urge all summer crop growers and industry participants to join us at the Conference in 2025 to hear updates and developments in the Australian Maize industry, along with a catch up and network with like-minded people.

Conference Organisers

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PO Box 318, Coolangatta  QLD 4225

07 5619 3851

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